Jack Canfield Success Principles in Action: Principle #1 Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life
She/he didn’t do what he said he was going to do, so ……
The weather was too bad, so …..
It wasn’t my fault, there was nothing I could do about it.
It would have been OK if x hadn’t happened.
I inherited this mess.
And so it goes on.
Do any of these sound familiar? It is easier to blame than to take responsibility as when we blame we are the injured party or we do not have to take any action to change anything or do anything.
Sadhguru in his book, Inner Engineering, reminds us of the original meaning of the word, responsibility, which is our ABILITY TO RESPOND. When we put the blame on a situation or another person, we are basically giving away our ability to respond. We are at cause not effect, which means we are helpless, powerless and have no control of the situation and play no part in how it plays out or the outcome.
This is in fact madness as by the very fact of us being there, we are involved whether we chose to take no action or some action that didn’t turn out as we wanted, we still were party to the event and therefore part of the event and outcome.
The weather was too bad, so …..
It wasn’t my fault, there was nothing I could do about it.
It would have been OK if x hadn’t happened.
I inherited this mess.
And so it goes on.
Do any of these sound familiar? It is easier to blame than to take responsibility as when we blame we are the injured party or we do not have to take any action to change anything or do anything.
Sadhguru in his book, Inner Engineering, reminds us of the original meaning of the word, responsibility, which is our ABILITY TO RESPOND. When we put the blame on a situation or another person, we are basically giving away our ability to respond. We are at cause not effect, which means we are helpless, powerless and have no control of the situation and play no part in how it plays out or the outcome.
This is in fact madness as by the very fact of us being there, we are involved whether we chose to take no action or some action that didn’t turn out as we wanted, we still were party to the event and therefore part of the event and outcome.